Get points for shopping
with your bank account
Checkout carts in 1-click and earn rewards
every time you shop.
Get points for shopping
with your bank account
Checkout carts in 1-click and earn rewards
every time you shop.
Win free stuff and gift cards from brands you love, or redeem for cash.
Join UK WaitlistLink your bank account once, and experience a one-click checkout everywhere thereafter.
Join UK WaitlistBankpay and its infrastructure partners use the strongest security and encryption tech to ensure what’s yours remains yours.
+ free shipping
get points, no signup required
Check out shopping carts in one click. No need to enter shipping or payment info.
Join UK WaitlistBankpay works with your bank via our bulletproof open banking infrastructure.
Join UK WaitlistEvery time you shop using Bankpay, you win exclusive rewards from the brands you love.
Join UK Waitlist